this week marks the 2 year anniversary for the blog! I'd like to think that writing this blog over the past 24 months, I think a little more about what I buy and why I buy it. that is after all the original reason for starting the blog.
as I've shared briefly over the past several months, we bought a foreclosed house and are in the process (still!) of renovating it. even after being here for eight months, there are still boxes to be unpacked and closets to be organized. and we've already taken a load to goodwill to donate a bunch of unnecessary things. my husband and I joke (hopefully!) that we should move every couple of years to simplify and prevent the build-up of "stuff".
with that said, I was going through my scraps of fabric box and decided it was time to carry out some project ideas, one of which is to make cloth napkins for the kitchen. and whether or not this is gross to you, i had some old pillow cases (whose sheets are stained and turned into drop cloths for painting) that would match our plates well. and now they are a lovely little set of napkins!
^^rough estimate of size comparing to a rather wrinkled napkin- clearly not aiming for exact size!^^
^^simple hem on all four sides^^
^^we aren't this formal, but they look pretty nice with our plates^^
^^put into action! here I am this afternoon enjoying some breastfeeding cookies and tea while Beatrice naps^^
<truth be told, the oatmeal is the only reason these are sort of breast milk producing cookies, otherwise, they are basic chocolate chip! and the tea is actually Earth Mama Angel Baby organic milkmaid tea (found here if you are interested)>
**do you have any fun repurposing projects going on?**